Key Scales Ford Inc

Mar 5, 2021

As the weather gets warmer, your Ford model needs your help more than ever to maintain its charm. Summer is the season for barbecues, beach days, road trips, and routine Ford summer maintenance. It is true. Heat can be just as harsh on your engine as the extreme cold. Your vehicle requires a little more attention with rising temperatures and the service experts at Key Scales Ford know exactly what it needs to thrive. Check out our list of quick maintenance tips for ensuring the health of your vehicle this summer:

Change Your Oil Often
A fresh oil change can improve your fuel mileage, maximize performance, and protect your powertrain from wear and tear. Visit your local Ford service center for an oil change every 5,000 miles or so to keep your engine lubricated and running smoothly for the summer. 

Monitor Your Fluid Levels
Since heat causes liquid to evaporate, keeping your Ford hydrated in the summer is essential. There are a variety of lubricants used to ensure your vehicle stays running cool even on the hottest of days. Let us top off your fluids at the start of summer so you avoid overheating.

Inspect Your Tires

It is common for tire pressures to fluctuate – often swelling in the hot summer sun. Check your driver’s side door or manual for the recommended PSI (pounds per square inch). Proper tire inflation not only aids the performance of your vehicle, but it also prevents excessive wear and tear that can sometimes occur from intensifying heat buildup on roads. 

Check Your Air Conditioning

Be sure to test your air conditioning sooner than later. It is way better to discover this system needs a tweak before the heat becomes unbearable, so test out your A/C and when you schedule your Ford summer service, let us know if it is running at less than optimal comfort.

Your Ford Summer Service At Key Scales Ford

Here at your ultimate service destination, our factory certified technicians will make sure your car, truck, crossover, minivan, RV camper, or SUV model is ready for the summertime. Be sure to ask about our Ford service specials when you bring your vehicle in for exceptional Ford summer service. Schedule your auto maintenance plan at the Key Scales Ford service center, and we will make sure your vehicle is at peak performance all summer long!