Key Scales Ford Inc

May 11, 2023
Ford Pedestrian Smartphone Technology

Ford Smartphone Safety Technology

Ford Motor Company is researching potentially lifesaving smartphone technology with Commsignia, PSS, Ohio State University, T-Mobile, and Tome Software, to improve driver awareness and reduce pedestrian accidents and deaths. Ford aims to help drivers detect pedestrians and cyclists through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on smartphone devices to communicate their location to their Ford vehicle. Key Scales Ford looks forward to sharing how Ford safety technology can enhance your driving experience, starting with this concept app that alerts drivers of possible collisions through Ford SYNC® technology. Ford, alongside Commsignia, PSS, Ohio State University, T-Mobile, and Tome Software, will soon present the idea before the Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s World Congress in Los Angeles.

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Ford Pedestrian Smartphone Technology

Safety Improvements

According to Executive Director of Research and Advanced Engineering Jim Buczkowski, newer Ford models with Ford Co-Pilot360™ technology can detect pedestrians and even apply the brakes if drivers do not respond in time. However, updating existing technology to feature new advancements, like expanding vehicle sensing capabilities, can improve road safety in areas drivers cannot see behind the wheel. Ford co-founded the Vulnerable Road User Safety Consortium™ (VRUSC) to improve road safety and reduce pedestrian-related crashes. This technology was formed with other vehicle, bicycle, ridesharing, and technology companies to see how technological advancements may enhance or mitigate the outcome of harmful or fatal pedestrian crashes. Buczkowski also states that this technology could be applied to other areas of road safety, including construction sites and more.

Technology Is the Future

Key Scales Ford is thrilled to share the many ways Ford Motor Company is improving road safety for drivers. To learn more about upcoming Ford technology, contact our sales department at our family-owned and operated Ford dealership in Leesburg, FL!