Key Scales Ford Inc

Mar 5, 2021

Is your vehicle fully prepped for the season? Here at your local Ford dealership, we are passionate about making sure each and every one of our customers has fully prepared their automobiles for the upcoming weather. Although it’s always sunny in Florida, as the seasons change it’s also a great time of year to make sure your filters, oil, wipers, and coolant have been changed as well. Often times we end up putting a lot of wear and tear on our car in the summertime. From extensive treks along the highway and family vacations to stop-and-go traffic. Therefore, it’s more than likely you’ve accrued some miles on your Ford. For the most reliable Ford maintenance, we’ve pointed out a few different aspects of your model in which it would be wise to examine before the winter season kicks off.

Routine Oil Changes

The service experts at your Florida Ford dealer encourage you to check out your vehicle’s handbook and determine exactly when to change your oil. There are many advantages to fresh oil in your Ford car, truck, or SUV crossover model. It is crucial to avoid metal-on-metal, resulting from an empty oil tank, which could ruin both your gas mileage as well as your engine as a whole. Routine oil changes are not only recommended, but they are also mandatory to keeping your Ford running like new. Contact us or stop by Key Scales Ford service center to schedule your Ford maintenance today!

Upgrade Your Windshield Wipers 

Of all the seasons, autumn brings those late-night thunderstorms and howling winds that tend to blow dust and rubbage around the roads. A filthy windshield could be dangerous and result in eye fatigue from working harder than necessary to see. Filling up your windshield wiper fluid is a vital step to take, although to ensure your windshield wipers are working at an optimal rate, we suggest you get new wipers regularly. Be sure your windshield wipers are working at peak performance. Come to your Florida Ford dealer for the seasonal maintenance your vehicle needs to handle any weather or road conditions.

Fill Up Your Coolant/Antifreeze

The lingering summer heat has kept your engine running hot, and we want to ensure your vehicle makes it through the winter. You can ensure the health of your coolant system by flushing it out and filling it back up to the recommended amount. These preventative steps can save you loadsa time and money long term. Bring your vehicle to Key Scales Ford to get your antifreeze levels examined and refilled and keep your Ford operating optimally. We’ll gladly set you up with your Ford fall maintenance plan so that you and your car will be healthy and happy.